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We would like to invite our friends and fans in wishing Black Shepherd's leader and visionary a happy birthday! Here is a bit about KT.

KT's stage name is KT/error, meaning KT without error. His name was directly influenced by a strong beleif and practice of individuality. KT started producing music at 14 and began writing music at 17 years old. KT is an adept visual artist that excels in drawing lead potraits. KT utilized the art program at every school he attended for solace and a place to escape always being new and undiscovered. He attended over 10 schools in 3 different states. KT attended 6 different high schools and graduated from Woodlawn High in Birmingham, AL as class of 2010 where he only spent a half a school year. 

Before deciding to push his music, KT worked in his free time programming and doing grapghics for a 2d rpg game called "Naruto Destroyed Chaos" in which shortly after graduating, he quit. However, KTs powerful love for anime and the anime Naruto specifically that eventually lead him to creating the Village Hidden in the Trap mixtape, a mixtape in which each song represents a lesson learned by one of his favorite animes. 

KT graduated high school and joined the Army that same year. In the first year of service, KT was diagnosed with an unknown case of chronic nerve damage located in his feet up through his hands requiring him to use crutches to walk and eventually a cane after treatment. During this time, KT pursued his music in the barracks as a holdover in Fort Gordon, GA. It was in those barracks that the first Fresh Fade were made with an xbox mic and a very cheap labtop. In 2012, he was released and officially retired from the military. The original Fresh Fade is available on Datpiff.(PS this was KTs first ever project.)

After retiring KT began to pursue music and began to work on projects like Village Hidden in the Trap which was totally produced and written by KT. It was in 2014 after releasing VHITT that KT's goal evolved into wanting to reach other kids like himself living through the hardships of being different. However, the reach of VHITT was minimal reach due to misunderstanding the logistics of music business. Listen to VHITT Here .

 It was then that KT realized that he needed a special kind of help to succeed. With the requirement of maturity and a high understanding of self, KT decided to create Black Shepherd in 2015, a collective of future role models for Individuality including KT/Error, Blakeobk, Traydee205, Architect_T, and Nova The Born Star. KT visualized the ways that Black Shepherd would rise to a point where the message of Individuality would be heard and Black Shepherd grew and became what it is to day. Today, Black Shepherd has 10 very talented members and a plethora of content that represents the message of Individuality. 

Thanks to KT/error's and the team's efforts combined , Black Shepherd is becoming a thriving example of individuality in Birmingham . Our foundation is set so we only go up from here.

Happy Birthday KT!

 From the entire Mob family!

Fans expect KTs FRESH FADE remake and Rarely Impressed mixtape to release this fall/winter.

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