Welcome to the first Shepherd Season as we announce ourselves to the world and begin to share who we are. In our first season we will embody the sport soul of our city as the Birmingham Black Barons of the music scene here in Birmingham, AL. The Black Barons were a sign of hope in days that there were none for any profession for black people. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, black people were beyond limited in what they could do. However, they stood strong, united through water hoses and dogs, etc, and stood for their independence in a stand on individuality. We are here for that exact purpose.
Black Shepherd's goal is to show our city and anyone interested in our message that we are capable of becoming whatever it is we put our minds to, no matter the circumstance. We will display this throughout the next 6 months with promotion material, photoshoots, music commercials, videos and more. Be sure to subscribe to our blog to stay posted and connected. To acheive this we will need the participation of the city. We will reach out. Until then,
We Are Here!